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Saving The Places

Saving the Places We Love: Paths Toward Environmental Stewardship


  • Book Connection Book of the Year 2016-2017 – selected by the Howard Community College, the Howard  County Library System, and the Howard County Poetry and Literary Society.

Ned Tillman shares his love of nature through stories of his personal adventures all across America. It offers a look at what it takes to restore and protect many of the places and ecological services that we often take for granted. He uses these stories to engage readers in the search for solutions.

Saving the Places we Love weaves engaging and eye-opening, first-person accounts with science, history, and evidence-based arguments for taking action. Ned suggests ways each of us can help meet the environmental and societal challenges of the 21st Century.

This inspiring book engages the reader in the challenges faced all across the country by discussing the impacts on many of our iconic natural wonders (Denali, the Rockies, Death Valley, the Great Plains, the Appalachians, the Chesapeake Bay, and the Mississippi River). It provides insights on how these places have been created and saved in the past and what is needed today to save them for future generations.

Saving the Places we Love addresses the major environmental challenges of our time using Ned’s personal stories. Topics discussed include: mountaintop mining, fracking, groundwater, the future of agriculture and aquaculture, habitat loss, population growth, waste disposal, the use of fossil fuels, and climate change.


Praise for Saving the Places We Love

“Thank you for writing Saving the Places We Love. It is a book that has transformed my life, inspiring me to make changes that are more caring of the Earth. After reading it, I became more aware of my footprint on the planet and how can I reduce it. But more importantly, I appreciate how you weaved your own experiences into the book, adding a personal urgency to doing so. Ramsey Hanhan – Author of the 2022 memoir, Fugitive Dreams: Chronicles of Occupation and Resistance.

pragmatic advice should appeal to readers who recognize that environmental degradation is affecting their lives, but who don’t care for apocalyptic predictions.”  David Conn, Library Journal.

“This book is a great introduction to conservation and an important reminder that there are many reasons for protecting and restoring nature. Tillman recognizes the importance of our emotional connection to the places that we love as well as the services that natural systems provide like clean water, air, and food.” Mark R. Tercek, President and CEO, The Nature Conservancy

“This is a must read for anyone interested in land preservation. It is full of engaging stories that both inform and inspire. This book is a great introduction to the history of the conservation movement starting with Muir, Powell, and Pinchot. Ned inspires the reader to take action and become a part of restoring and preserving the places they love. The book will be a great resource and tool for land trusts across the country to use to inspire their members and attract new supporters.” Rand Wentworth, President, Land Trust Alliance.

“This is a must read book for people who want to know how they can contribute to saving the environment they know and love. You can feel the passion he has for the environment and learn from his many suggestions. If you care about preserving for future generations the natural places you have come to love, you should read this book.” Van Reiner, CEO of the Maryland Science Center

“It is a  Muirivian piece of prose.  I especially like the Katahdin chapter.” Mark Madison, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Historian

“This book addresses the ecological big picture but it also highlights the little things ordinary people can do to keep the places we work and play livable. At the heart of Tillman’s work lies his personal love of wild places and his desire to awaken that feeling in others. He’s peppered his book with anecdotes about his own experiences in the natural world, as well as those of others.” Doug Miller, The Columbia Flyer.

“Your personal stories regarding lakes, river, mountains, forests, etc. got me to reflect on my own lifetime (now 70 years) of experiences with the special places I love. I could relate to many of your categories with my own personal memories. Hearing of your experiences also reminded me that even when I am outdoors, I often miss some of the subtle pleasures of nature by being in a hurry – walking or biking for exercise but not pausing to observe.” Bob Jackson, PATH/Industrial Areas Foundation.

 “The great authors of our movement – Sigurd Olson, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson – all used stories to call us to action.  This book manages to fully embrace this vision and spirit.  Each story is compelling in its own right and motivates us to want to act.” Josh Feldmark, Sustainability Director for Howard County, MD.

One great thing about Ned Tillman’s book is that he not only details the problems with various habitats that we love, but also the positive changes that have happened, so we can be encouraged to try to make a difference ourselves.” — Elaine Pardoe, Founder of CLEER

“This is a book that will lift your spirits and light a fire! After reading Saving the Places We Love, I felt like I had been on a walk in the woods with author Ned Tillman. From the opening chapter where Tillman dealt with the loss of a place he loved as a child, to captivating stories about some of the most special places on this planet, this book was both a joy to read and a call to action. Sidebar short stories are sprinkled throughout the book, which were added gems that made this a truly enjoyable read.”  Richard Deutschmann, Energy Expert at Ameresco.

“Wonderful book! I am enjoying every single page of it!” Mary Catherine Cochran, Executive Director of the Patapsco Heritage Greenway

“What a great book. How nicely organized/formatted/presented. What a powerful combination of the underlying-SO WHAT/WHY, and the cause, and the strategies for action. You write beautifully. You are rational and fair – and firm, and not preachy. I have always been impressed by your deep knowledge. What I hadn’t realized was the scope of your political perspective and statistically based information base.” Audrey Suhr, Howard County Conservancy

“I thought it was great.  I particularly liked how you wove the personal with the general helping us see how our own experience and actions can make a real difference.  The breadth of topics you covered was truly impressive.  Your understanding of the topics, evenhandedness in presenting a balanced view I really appreciated. Your book is a great addition to a critical area.  Particularly liked your ending call to action.  Made me want to make it a big part of my life.” — Steve McGovern, Financial Consultant to the World Bank

“Your inspiring book took us to the places you love and inspire you, but at the same time connected us to natural world in our back yard.  I especially enjoyed the connection to other environmental writers and their influence on you and the environmental movement of saving the places they loved and we have come to love.” JoAnn Roberts with the Maryland Dept. of Education